Chata Lysečiny

Details for the transportation

  1. With your own vehicle

    Horní Maršov is situated on a route between Pec pod Snežkou and Trutnov. In Horní Maršov turn to Dolní Lysečiny. After 1,8 km in Dolní Lysečiny right next to the pension Herta II turn right and after 100 m you will see our hut. There is a parking spot next to it and it is also accesible for bus (if you’re planning a school trip e.g.).

  2. With public transport

    If you come by train to the station Svoboda nad Úpou there is a bus station in front of it. Take a bus to the station Horní Maršov – most. From there it takes 1,8 km on foot to our hut (direction Dolní Lysečiny). Display the route on